So everything went great at the docs yesterday! I'm 2cm's! YAY! My doctor seemed a little shocked. But I was happy! I also dont have GBS! So thats good. I got a note to put in my bag to take with. She also gave me about a week. Well She said I should be safe for a week. Tom started freaking out. It was great. He cried a little. Said his life was over and no more video games! haha. He tried talking to her telling her to stay in there for awhile longer that hes not ready! Haha!
I'm glad its FINALLY hitting him were gonna have a BABY!!! I know he cant wait though. If I thought he really meant what he said i woulda slapped him silly! lol I'm a little scared myself.
I mean..Who wouldnt be?! My whole body is going to change and go through insane pain.
I dont think i could ever fully be ready for that. Plus..I'm worried I am gonna miss her kicking and not be able to handle a real baby. I just want her to have the best! But im sure its all first time mommy jiggers! I cant wait to have my baby with me. We have so many amazing people helping us with things. We have been given nearly everything we need. We still have target giftcards that we can use aswell. But I honestly dont think we need much else.
There IS this diaper bag I want really bad. But its 50 bucks! I feel bad buying it so I wont. I just see that money as all the other stuff I could of bought for Abbie. Even though she has more clothes then'll she'll ever wear(even if i changed her a few times a day! lol) I just cant spend money!!
Oh last but not least! Tom put in his time off.. He HAD to give a date which sucks. the 29th till the 15th. I'm praying she comes right around then so he doesnt miss any time with her! Its unpaid but as long as were really careful with money we should be okay. I NEED him home with me when shes born. I dont think i can do it without him. I cant handle two crazy dogs, a newborn AND recover from everything. So..heres to hoping she comes when she should!
I think thats about all for now. I'll be sure to post today or tomorrow my bumpy bump!