Just got home a bit ago from Abigails 2 month check up/Shot day. It went pretty good. She screamed as soon as the doctor took her. She notices new people now and dislikes them very much. So she screamed bloody murder the whole time during her shots. But stopped right after we were able to pick her up. I cried of course. Tom made fun of me. But its okay. he doesnt understand how mommy's feel. I would of done anything to take those shots for her..and i HATE shots! >.<
Anyway shes a whopping 12 pounds 11ozs, Which is in the 80% on the charts. nearly 24 inchs and in the 70%. and her head is 39.5cms! (60%) Shes growing perfectly!
We also talked about changing her milk and taking her off soy. Which I feel really good about! I'm hoping she does good on it. I'm a little worried I wont be able to tell if shes doing good on it or not. But I'm sure when the time comes I will. They gave me a crap load of samples so we shall see! And as for teething(we've been worried about this the last few days as there are white spots on her gums and she enjoys chewing my arm WAY to much) the doc said it didnt LOOK like it. but we should know soon.
I love this little thing so much. Even though she pukes on me non stop. Her laughs are just the greatest thing I've ever heard. And when she smiles? I feel myself fall in love more every single time. <3
OH! On a sidenote. Some great stuff happened today. Toms crappy car that we just put 700 into today nearly killed him. After picking it up from the place that fixed it he went right to work and his breaks went out! like totally out. i dont know how he made it to work safe and i am just so thankful he did. I couldnt stop crying just thinking about the fact of he could of totalled that car and been so hurt and I wouldnt of even known. and THEN i thought about how Abigail could of been in that car too and I just started balling all over again. I couldnt make it without Tom. Even with all of our fights and him driving me INSANE. I need him here. He sorta keeps me sane. And more then anything I want Abigail to have her daddy with her. Anyway thats all for now. I know I said this before but I'm REALLY gonna try and keep this up to date!!