Saturday, January 29, 2011

Day Twenty Nine....

 This is what I had to deal with.

Day Twenty Eight...

Abbies Aunt Val fed her today. They made a bit of a mess.

Day Twenty Seven....

Abbie got a new carseat today. She loves sitting like a big girl!
We cant wait to try it out!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day Twenty Two...

Nothing much happened today, Very chill day. 
Abbie was pretty good. She let mommy sleep over 2 hours during our nap time!

Day Twenty One....

Abbie wearing the headband mommy made, 
Not to fond of it but I dont think its that bad for my first try?
She still finds drinking out of a sippy cup weird.
 Wtf is this mom?
 Get it awaaaay! (she looks so chunky naked bahaha)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day Twenty.....

We had a VERY full day so all we got was a fast snapshot.
We first had to pick up miss Abbie from the G-mas house. Then we went over to her Great Grandmas & her Grandpas house, We played for quite awhile there. Then went to TBK with Maggie, We also went to Target and got some toys. So overall we had a very long full day. Which is why shes been sleeping the last few hours haha. Hopefully I can sleep tonight!

My poor baby was so tired, And wasnt feeling all that great with the teething.

Day Nineteen.....

Strike a pose! lol

Day Eighteen.....

I love this little brat!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day Seventeen....

Today was a fairly good day! Even with the sucky night of sleep we had, We had lots of fun!
We tried eating green beans again, She will NOT eat them. So...We played in them. 
And I found out that she doesn't like to be messy AT ALL. She kept looking at her hands like MOM WHAT IS ALL OVER ME!!? Then we took a nice bath and got all ready for bed. She fell asleep fairly easy and Tom and I were able to have some time to ourself. We got to watch TV while eating dinner. TOGETHER! I love when we get time to ourself.

Oh and I almost forgot! She rolled right off her playmat today! She doesn't like to roll so I was shocked! But she looked so proud of herself haha. I wish i got it on video!

Now for photo(s) of the day!