Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Pumpkin Patch Day!

Today was Abigail's first trip to the pumpkin patch! She did so good! First we went and put her in the patch with all the pumpkins. it was SO cute. everyone there kept watching and cooing over it. it was funny! She was a bit cranky at first but after a bottle and a little cooing. She was a happy baby!

Then after a zillon photos there. We went over to the zoo area. Which had Giraffes you can feed! I was so happy! We put abbie into her giraffe outfit and people LOVED it haha. everyone kept saying OH LOOK AT THE BABY GIRAFFE!! We got a few cute shots of them with abbie. It felt so gross feeding them lol. But I had SO much fun! I really think abbie did too. She didnt make a peep the whole time we were at the giraffe area!

We picked out a huge pumpkin and two small baby ones. Were gonna carve it out and take a few photos of her in it haha. I cant wait. Its going to be SO cute! Anyway! Heres a few photos from today! I'll update again within the next few days with those photos! ^_^

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Abbie got to go to her first trip to the library today! She loved it! I showed her the books and asked her if she liked them and she'd giggle for some so those are the ones i got! Haha. She was such a dream there. Not even a peep!

We ended up leaving with at least 8 books and a few movies! We got Blues Clues!! She LOVES watching it. We sat though a whole show which is rare for her. She always gets bored with most things after 5-10 mins! So we'll see how these movies go!

Then we went to get her some more bottle liners and i ended up finding some halloween leggings. i cant wait for her to wear them!!!

Weds we go to the pumpkin patch. I CAN NOT WAIT!! We're gonna take so many photos. lol I want to go every year. Make it a big to do!
But I think thats about it for now. I'm writing this quick before bed! So now I must go pass out! Enjoy a few photos from the last few days!!

Friday, October 15, 2010

2 Month Old Photo!

2 Month Checkup!

Just got home a bit ago from Abigails 2 month check up/Shot day. It went pretty good. She screamed as soon as the doctor took her. She notices new people now and dislikes them very much. So she screamed bloody murder the whole time during her shots. But stopped right after we were able to pick her up. I cried of course. Tom made fun of me. But its okay. he doesnt understand how mommy's feel. I would of done anything to take those shots for her..and i HATE shots! >.<
Anyway shes a whopping 12 pounds 11ozs, Which is in the 80% on the charts. nearly 24 inchs and in the 70%. and her head is 39.5cms! (60%) Shes growing perfectly!

We also talked about changing her milk and taking her off soy. Which I feel really good about! I'm hoping she does good on it. I'm a little worried I wont be able to tell if shes doing good on it or not. But I'm sure when the time comes I will. They gave me a crap load of samples so we shall see! And as for teething(we've been worried about this the last few days as there are white spots on her gums and she enjoys chewing my arm WAY to much) the doc said it didnt LOOK like it. but we should know soon.

I love this little thing so much. Even though she pukes on me non stop. Her laughs are just the greatest thing I've ever heard. And when she smiles? I feel myself fall in love more every single time. <3

OH! On a sidenote. Some great stuff happened today. Toms crappy car that we just put 700 into today nearly killed him. After picking it up from the place that fixed it he went right to work and his breaks went out! like totally out. i dont know how he made it to work safe and i am just so thankful he did. I couldnt stop crying just thinking about the fact of he could of totalled that car and been so hurt and I wouldnt of even known. and THEN i thought about how Abigail could of been in that car too and I just started balling all over again. I couldnt make it without Tom. Even with all of our fights and him driving me INSANE. I need him here. He sorta keeps me sane. And more then anything I want Abigail to have her daddy with her. Anyway thats all for now. I know I said this before but I'm REALLY gonna try and keep this up to date!!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Oh geez!

So...I guess I didnt update this like I planned. But things have been so crazy and when i find any spare time I try to get something done around the house so that doesnt leave much time for blogging! So I guess i'll update on how the last to months have gone while abbie is calm in her pack and play! This may get long! =P

The first month was long and rough yet went by SO fast. The first week was the worst. I was always so scared of leaving her alone for just a second. I thought the one time i did something would happen to her and i'd never forgive myself. I still stuggle with that feeling a bit but i'm getting better! Her sleeping wasnt that bad either. About 3ish weeks in i was getting 3ish hours sleep a night before feedings. I thought that sucked at the time! HA! How little I knew then right? Having Tom home for the first week was AMAZING. I really dont think I could of done it without him. I know it was really hard on him to but whenever I got overwelmed he took over and I am SO thankful for that. I wish he still was able to do that sometimes! But with working its hard for him since hes always so tired after working his stupid hours. Oh and she HATED her swing. She would not go into that thing without screaming bloodly murder. Shes better now thank god. I would of been so sad if she hated it still lol. She LOVES bathtime. Once even slept through the whole bath. I couldnt stop laughing! She was so gone. Umm What elseeeee....Shes been able to lift her head pretty high since birth. Our pedi was shocked lol. Shes also smiled since well she was in the belly. Its kinda sad we cant get a pouty face of her cuz shes always laughing or talking unless shes hungry then its just screaming and theres no time for photos!!

Now for month TWO!! Which she turned just a few days ago. She is eatting like a piggy! 4-6 ozs every 2/3 hours. Shes over 12 pounds! And we just got out of most newborn clothes! We are having some sleep issues. SHE DOESNT SLEEP AT NIGHT AT ALL. She knows when i fall asleep and picks then to wake up and play! It is SO hard to be mad at a laughing baby while she looks up at you with her big blue eyes. IT SUCKS! She already owns us lol. So I'm having alot of trouble staying awake on an hours sleep a night if im lucky. but i'm managing i spose. hopefully this faze goes away soon before i lose my mind! Were starting to play alot more! We read books, play on our mat with a rubber ducky that she LOVES! (its dressed like a pumpkin! so cute) we look in the mirror and point out our ears,nose etc etc. though she isnt to into the mirrors at all. but yeah we are starting to do so much more and its so fun! i cant wait till we really start playing! But i think this is enough of an update for now. I really cant think of much else and im planning to keep this updated! Now im going to finish giving her a bottle and pray mommy can get some sleep!!!! lol

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Abigail Roselynn Is Here!!

Abigail Roselynn, Born Aug 5th at 7:20AM. 7 pounds 14 ozs. Shes perfect.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Abbie is getting kicked out!!

Went to the doc today. I love her. I really do. She delivered two babies before my appt today and you could see how tired she was but she was still SO helpful. I'm still only 2Cms. She tried making me feel better by saying a GOOD 2. lol But she said if i dont have Abbie this weekend then there was no reason to keep me preg and we can induce thurs or fri. So I have an appt set up on tues just in case! Woo!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

No Baby

I'm now 39 weeks, And STILL no baby. Im slowly going crazy.

Thats my update for now! Nothing new to report!

Monday, July 19, 2010

38 Week 2 Day Photos!

Babyshower 2!

We finally had the second shower, It was overall pretty fun. Awkward at first as i knew everyone and didnt really know who i should talk to and then I had a few issues with people but Im not going to post about that. We got alot more then we were thinking and im soo greatful! We got the Bumbo,Stroller,Blankets,Diaper cake,Sock Roses,Playmat,Travel bag thingy,And so much more! After the shower we ended up going over to target and using our giftcards to finish getting the few things we needed. It was so much fun! I got the diaper bag i wanted too!! Had to go to 3 stores to find it though! AND we still have alot left over that I can get a glider! But im debating if its worth it. i'm still trying to look it up. ANYWAY! Heres photos from the shower!

Our shopping cart for all our last big shopping trip for abbie!
All the stuff left to find a place for! EEK!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Doc Visit

So everything went great at the docs yesterday! I'm 2cm's! YAY! My doctor seemed a little shocked. But I was happy! I also dont have GBS! So thats good. I got a note to put in my bag to take with. She also gave me about a week. Well She said I should be safe for a week. Tom started freaking out. It was great. He cried a little. Said his life was over and no more video games! haha. He tried talking to her telling her to stay in there for awhile longer that hes not ready! Haha!

I'm glad its FINALLY hitting him were gonna have a BABY!!! I know he cant wait though. If I thought he really meant what he said i woulda slapped him silly! lol I'm a little scared myself.
I mean..Who wouldnt be?! My whole body is going to change and go through insane pain.
I dont think i could ever fully be ready for that. Plus..I'm worried I am gonna miss her kicking and not be able to handle a real baby. I just want her to have the best! But im sure its all first time mommy jiggers! I cant wait to have my baby with me. We have so many amazing people helping us with things. We have been given nearly everything we need. We still have target giftcards that we can use aswell. But I honestly dont think we need much else.

There IS this diaper bag I want really bad. But its 50 bucks! I feel bad buying it so I wont. I just see that money as all the other stuff I could of bought for Abbie. Even though she has more clothes then'll she'll ever wear(even if i changed her a few times a day! lol) I just cant spend money!!

Oh last but not least! Tom put in his time off.. He HAD to give a date which sucks. the 29th till the 15th. I'm praying she comes right around then so he doesnt miss any time with her! Its unpaid but as long as were really careful with money we should be okay. I NEED him home with me when shes born. I dont think i can do it without him. I cant handle two crazy dogs, a newborn AND recover from everything. So..heres to hoping she comes when she should!

I think thats about all for now. I'll be sure to post today or tomorrow my bumpy bump!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Okay...So its been longer then i thought. Sue me! lol

Updates aarrrre, 1. Went to the docs last thursday, I was 1CM!!! I was a bit freaked out. But now im very happy I am and Im hoping i am 2Cm's when i go this thursday. I need this baby to come out already! haha. I want to hold her!

2. My big ole bump photo for this 36 weeks 3 days is above..Since I cant get it to go under here.

3. I'll be SURE to update how my appt goes thurs and i'll have new bump photos.

There really isnt much else going on..Were trying to set up for the mini babyshower..But at this point i just dont even care about it. Im soo tired these days!!

Anywho. I'll post some more later!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Leg Pains/Breastfeeding

Oh my god....
I thought the cramping 247 was bad??? NO WAY
This leg pain is KILLING me. I really wish she would move off the nerve shes on. People i'm sure think ive lost it. Because as soon as she does it i'm on my knees. it doesnt matter where i am. I cant help it. Then half the time i yelp like a lost puppy! lol.

Oh, so i went to this mini breastfeeding class. It was total bullcrap!! I was so upset afterwards.
They are saying that if the babies eye even moves the smallest bit..You have to stick your boob in her mouth. If she puts her hands by her face? BOOB TIME! I mean come on...I have not yet made a choice on this. I'm VERY confused on what i want to do. And i'm tired of being judged for my personal choice. As long as the baby is eatting i do not see the big deal! I just cant stand the idea of my body still not being mine for another year, Or being on a leash and never getting to go anywhere without having to pump or stick my boob out.

I want to be able to go overnight somewere with my hubby and not worry about all of it..Granted it wont happen for awhile. I dont even know if i could leave Abbie for a night..But its the IDEA of it. -sigh- I just dont know what to do. I know its better for her. But I know if i'm unhappy then I wont get to enjoy my time with her as much as I could. I'm trying to make the right choice for everyone and its so hard. Plus bottle feeding does cost alot..I will agree..And im not totally sure how we could afford it. DH says it'll be fine. But I feel wasteful if i do choose bottle feeding and we are broke at some point. I'll feel like its all my fault.. UGH...This is the worst part of being pregnant. I'm going crazy here!!!

I'll post my quiz and belly pics later today or tomorrow!

Monday, June 28, 2010

35 Weeks

How far along? 35 Weeks 1 day

How big is baby? Still around 5 pounds

Weight gain? Too scared to look

Maternity clothes? Those yoga pants are my god send right now. That and my huge jeff hardy shirt

Sleep? Whats that again??

Best moment this week? So far my babyshower!

Movement? Shes moving right now!

Food cravings? STILL tacos.I have yet to get any.

Food aversions? Everything. Im having trouble getting myself to eat.

Labor signs? None. But life is getting harder >.<
Belly button in or out? Still in WOOT!

Emotions? Sad cuz im sleepy!!

Milestones? Having my first babyshower

35/35 And Babyshower!

I finally made it to 35/35. I never thought i would. Even though this post is a day late I still had to write about it! I'm one week from full term!

Now about this baby shower. It was better then I thought. I was fairly worried that no one would show up. But even with just toms side of the family we had quite a few people and it was pretty fun! Other then being pulled a zillon different ways. We got yelled at by one of toms grandmas friends about the baby name. She wanted it to be Tara Nicole (after my mom and his grandma) We nearly died laughing..We'll stick with Abigail Roselynn thanks! The food was amazing!! They had Beef which i have been craving like mad! I wish I got to take more home along with cake but thats a long story. OH! We also got some great gifts. We got a Travel System,Changing Table, Boppy, A few crib sheets,Outfits,Diapers,Bottles,Bottle Cleaner thingy,Bumpers,blankets,Photo books,The thingy for when shes sleeping(yes the thingy cuz i cant remember the name haha) And thats not even counting the other stuff they got but we took home early cuz there was no room, (dresser,Mattress,Carseat,Swing) Oh and 350 worth of gift cards and cash...So you know i'll be shopping!!! haha

We still have the little baby shower my mom wants to throw. I think it should be fun. Even if it is really small. More chill and I can relax and enjoy it and not be pulled all over. So I deff cant wait for that.

Heres a few photos from the shower.

Friday, June 25, 2010

My Little Girl

Was just looking at the last ultrasound photos. Shes so freaking cute. I love how shes eatting her arm haha.

34 Week Appt

Had my appt today. Everything was good. Shes right on time. Heartbeat was the high 150s! And she dropped and is heads down. Its kinda scary to think about her being all set up and ready! Eek! My doctor was so funny. I asked about the pains in my leg and a few other pains and she just laughed and said yep not gonna get better!!! I swear she gets a kick out of my complaing. Then she was like "yeah you really planned this one good!!" because of the heat. Tom was cracking up of course! Then right before she walked out I asked if there was anything that can be done about the swelling...She laughed said nope and walked out. =\ Joyful!

Part of me is so ready to have this little girl already, But another part is scared senseless.
Everything in life will change. Hell it already has and she isnt even here yet! I know it will be great when shes here though. Hard as ever yeah but worth it...I've been feeling some nerves lately and feeling lost. I think because I've never had the chance to BE a young person yet and I feel as if my chance is gone now. I know it will go away as soon as I see her. And that its worth everything I may not get to do. Just a bit hard to think about until I get to see her and play with her little fingers! I have 37 days left until my due date!!!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

First Survey!

How far along? 34 weeks and 3 days!

How big is baby? Well if shes on time with everything about 5 pounds! Eek!!

Weight gain? At my last appt I was up 5 pounds. =[

Maternity clothes? Nothing fits anymore. Not even the few maternity things I have. I Should go shopping. But thats a very sad time!

Sleep? Oh god. Its so bad. I wake up about 3 times to pee, THEN I cant fall right back to sleep. OR I wake up a bit later for no reason and just lay there. Its not fun.

Best moment this week? Getting to see her last fri was pretty great. Other then that just feeling her kick SO much.

Movement? Shes been all over in there lately! Big change from before.

Food cravings? A taco place, TBK...Oh my god....I cant even talk about it I want it so bad!

Food aversions? Whatever that stuff Toms greek grandma made. It smelled so bad. then HE smelled like it afterwards. UGH

Gender? Still a girl! Woo!

Labor signs? None yet. Just the cramping. Thank god.

Belly button in or out? Its starting to flaten out. But I'm still holding hope it stays this way until i have her!

What I miss? Not having to think about if im eatting for drinking enough ALL DAY LONG

What I am looking forward to? My babyshower!! And making it to the 36 mark!

Emotions? Mix of everything, Scared as hell, Dying to see her, Worried, HAPPY! Everything.

Milestones? Packing my hospital bag, Washing all her clothes and them being all put away!!